Sunday, September 11, 2011

Why this will never become a proper blog

It's not a great start, is it - from a first post on the 8th August to a second on the 11th September. It's not that I haven't had things in that time I wanted to blog about. I've thought almost every day of something I'd like to share with cyberspace (is 'sharing' still the right word if nobody reads it?) but finding the time to sit down and write about it... that's another thing entirely. I've actually started carrying a notebook around and making entries in it when things occur to me, a sort of journal of things that occur to me. The idea was supposed to be I would jot something down when I'm sitting on the underground and have some world-rocking realisation, then come home and transfer it on to the blog. Except it doesn't quite work, because while I have a 15-minute commute 4 times a day, which is just perfect for scribbling an idea down, that only works because it's dead time I can't use for anything else. Actually devoting time to blogging that I could use for other stuff - I'm not sure if that will ever happen. Which makes me, basically, not very well adapted for having a blog. So there probably isn't going to be much to see here. I still hope I might get it together to share some of the observations burning a hole in my notepad. But right now I'm going to bed.

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